We conduct our business in a responsible manner. Fairness towards our business partners and trusting cooperation is the basis of our actions. In our investments, we always value sustainability and resource conservation. We are also willing to contribute outside of our business activities. If you need our support for a good cause – be it through active support and cooperation or a financial donation – contact us.

Marcxell Investment has the expertise to implement real estate “special funds” through our company THI.Group in a professional and timely manner. The current focus is on residential, commercial, and food use types. The permanent dialogue with investors is the central key to the design of the fund strategies.
To date, Marcxell Investment has issued three special funds in the residential segment, one special fund in the commercial section (development of a golf resort in Germany), and a special investment fund in the United Arab Emirates.
Funds by region
Marcxell Investment distributes its regional funds through mutual funds managed by our Hamburg department, which invest in securities from a given geographical area, such as America, Europe or Asia. Our regional mutual funds typically hold a diversified portfolio of companies based and operating in the specified geographic area.
Funds by use
Our equity financing is the money we lend and invest in stocks that provide a company with its day-to-day and long-term needs. A company’s equity financing consists of both debt (bonds) and equity (shares). Marcxell Investment uses this money for its operating capital. Our bond and equity holders. We offer a return on investment in the form of interest, dividends, and share appreciation.
Funds by investor
Our investment funds are funds managed by Marcxell Investment, invested in stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, or derivatives. We distinguish between our open and closed-end funds. Our professional asset management department manages our investment funds.
Marcxell Investment‘s first four special real estate funds in the residential segment will be divided according to need and opportunity clarification and the implementation of our long-term investments. Before investing, Marcxell Investment establishes a thorough feasibility study. We have chosen Serbia because of its development capacity and the responsiveness and efficiency of its authorities to undertake the actual business.
Marcxell Investment prepares the reports based on a comprehensive database with access to all accounting and real estate data. Our company can flexibly supplement all information with other reporting modules at the investors’ request.
The output format is usually an Office or PDF format, which can be sent in standard form by e-mail or viewed in the restricted online area.