Marcxell Investment is a general investment company. We are an independent investment company, head structure of a group of companies specialized in real estate, investment, creation, and development of companies in sectors where real estate is a strategic sector. In addition to our know-how in real estate, our company develops in partnership with several governments worldwide as part of its investment and management activities for its account and third parties in our investments.


Marcxell Investment invests in real estate, develops urban projects, and accompanies corporate projects in real estate, infrastructure, research, or sectors where real estate is a crucial factor of success. Concerned about the economic development of the territory and aware of the aging population’s issues, mobility, and macro-economic context, we are particularly interested in investing in innovative projects that seek to provide an adequate response to these societal challenges.

Marcxell Investment has initiated with its partners the foundations of a pole specialized in developing, constructing, and managing medicalized and non-medicalized residences for older adults everywhere in the world. We react as one of the leaders in the management and development of assisted living facilities worldwide.

The company is headed by Mr. John Kamin Marcxell, Founder and CEO of Marcxell Group (USA), for many years. Competence and experience in the energy, investment, and real estate sectors. Various advisory and consulting mandates and CEO positions. Marcxell Investment изводи велике грађевинске пројекте, укључујући пословне зграде у високим зградама, пројекте јавних радова, болнице, хотеле итд. На овој позицији, господин Марцкелл је управљао са преко 320 милиона евра грађевинске вредности.

Through his exceptional interpersonal skills, Mr. Marcxell established business relationships and complete projects with high-level officials from around the world. He has also partnered with Princes from various Middle Eastern countries.

Господин Марцкелл доноси изузетно искуство у извршном менаџменту, управљању техничким операцијама, дизајну и инжењерингу, грађевинарству и међународном пословању. Показује визионарско вођство и доказану способност развијања пословних контаката на високом нивоу који иду у корист компаније. Кроз изванредну професионалну репутацију и године личне интеракције, господин Марцкелл је развио снажне професионалне и личне односе са највишим нивоима света.

Mr. Marcxell created Marcxell Investment to be a world-class company where partners and investors cooperate effectively to take advantage of the exceptional business and investment opportunities today in different parts of the world. In the exercise of his entrepreneurial capacity, he rallies the idea of investing in the United States and worldwide for large-scale projects.


Marcxell Investment is happy to bring our network and experience to participate in medium-sized companies actively. We don’t mind turnaround situations, especially when existing ownership and management structures are open to change and willing to roll up their sleeves.

Contact us if you need active support or if you want to sell your business in whole or in part. Preferred sectors are energy, mobility, manufacturing, construction, and real-estate-related services.


We responsibly conduct our business. Fairness towards our business partners and trusting cooperation is the basis of our actions. In our investments, we always value sustainability and resource conservation. Marcxell Investment is also willing to contribute outside of our business activities.

If you need our support for a good cause – be it through active support and cooperation or a financial donation – contact us.

Green Bay Project

Marcxell Investment combines the structures of a young company with the consolidated forms of a quality experience: our hierarchies are flat, the communication channels are short. We have established processes at all levels, which do not hinder the independence of our team members. The dialogue at eye level does not stop at the general manager.

Do you share our understanding of values and find real estate as fascinating as we do? As a growing investment manager, Marcxell Investment is currently looking for committed young professionals or experienced senior managers.

Оно што нас чини Посебнима

Стално запослење
Пензијски план компаније
Услови конкуренције
Равне хијерархије
Стручно усавршавање
савремено радно окружење
Флексибилно радно време
Спортски и тимски догађаји
пријатељска атмосфера